Know more about us

All Progressives Congress France has been in existence since April 2015 in line with the Party’s guideline through the coming together of the 4 major stakeholders as obtained in APC Nigeria.

In spite of all challenges, we have been alive to our responsibilities of supporting and propagating good policies as well as several achievements working with the Nigeria administration and the Party with events and other several activities. 

The APC France chapter under the leadership of the chairman Chief Mohammed Suheed Olasunkanmi Olanrewaju Balogun and the Executive members has over the years succeeded in enlightening Nigerians across the globe with the programs, policies as well as achievements of the past administration of President Muhammadu Buhari through our invited special Guests of Honour like:

As God would have His way, our leader in APC France chapter (including Chief Mohammed Suheed Olasunkanmi Olanrewaju Balogun) are greatly engaged and participating in several political and growth events about Nigeria locally and in the diaspora. They have sustainably paraded all Progressive Congress (APC) all over France and Europe since the establishment of the party chapter in France, since 2015 up to 2023.

This is a huge recognition of the efforts of Nigerians in Diaspora towards the progress and development of Nigeria which, in my view, couldn’t have come at a better time especially with the electioneering campaign in full swing.

Our Mission

At the All Progressives Congress France Chapter, our mission is to provide a platform for Nigerians living in France to actively participate in the political process, advocate for our interests, and contribute to the development of our beloved homeland. We are committed to fostering unity, representation, and positive change.

Representation & Advocacy

Representation and Advocacy: We recognize the importance of having our voices heard and our concerns addressed. As the France Chapter, we stand as the representative body for Nigerians in France, working diligently to advocate for our community's interests and engage in constructive dialogue with the Nigerian government. We aim to ensure that the perspectives, needs, and aspirations of the Nigerian diaspora in France are taken into account in decision-making processes.

Political Influence

Political Influence: We believe in the power of collective action and political engagement. Through our activities, we seek to exert influence on the political landscape in Nigeria. By mobilizing Nigerians living in France and fostering strong connections with the wider Nigerian diaspora community, we aim to make a meaningful impact on political decision-making and policies that shape the future of our country.

Policy Change

Policy Change: Our chapter is committed to bringing about positive policy changes in Nigeria. We advocate for economic development, improved infrastructure, social welfare programs, anti-corruption measures, and other policies that foster sustainable growth and enhance the well-being of all Nigerians. We work towards a Nigeria that is inclusive, progressive, and responsive to the needs of its citizens.

Electoral Representation

We believe that every Nigerian has the right to be represented and participate in the electoral process. As the APC France Chapter, we strive to raise awareness about the voting rights and participation opportunities available to the Nigerian diaspora. We encourage voter registration, provide information about the electoral process, and support candidates who align with our principles and goals.

Unity and Solidarity

 We recognize the strength and power of unity among Nigerians living in France. Through our chapter, we foster a sense of community, solidarity, and mutual support. We provide a platform for Nigerians to come together, share experiences, collaborate on initiatives, and contribute to the growth and development of our community. Together, we can make a difference.

Cultural Promotion

We celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Nigeria and actively promote Nigerian culture, traditions, and values within the diaspora community and the wider French society. We organize cultural events, celebrations, and educational programs to raise awareness about Nigerian traditions, language, arts, and history. By showcasing our culture, we aim to build bridges of understanding and strengthen the bonds between Nigerians and the French community.